Location de bateaux électriques sans permis à l’heure / à la demi-journée


  • Location de bateaux électriques sans permis à l’heure / à la demi-journée©
Embark on our electric boats (from 2 to 12 people) alone, with your lover, your family, your friends, your colleagues? Rent by the hour or by the day. No license required! Our captain will train you to navigate and accompany you until you feel comfortable on the water. To spend a pleasant moment on the water you can bring your picnic or taste our aperitif and local drinks which are proposed at the guinguette of the Halte Nautique du Guétin. See you soon! The team of Le LatéralSpoken languages ​​:French, English, Brazilian, Dutch
Home groups:yes

Proposed activities:Motor-boating

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day

  • Catering on site en
  • Parking en
  • Picnic area en
  • Washrooms en
  • Motor-boating

Join by public transport