TER and regional buses to get the cycle route
© J. Damase - CRT Centre-Val de Loire
© P.Forget - CRT Centre-Val de Loire
Do you want to travel in freedom along La Loire à Vélo? Do you want to return to your starting point or skip a stage to go directly to your next destination on the itinerary? TER (Regional Express Transport) trains and coaches will help you save time... and get even more from La Loire à Vélo!
When the train follows the Loire

The TER trains stop at many of the towns and cities along the Loire, so it is easy to travel between the stations at, for example, Orléans, Blois, Tours, Saumur, Angers, Nantes or Saint-Nazaire. See all the train stations on the itinerary on the interactive map.
To view the TER (Regional Express Transport) network maps, go to:
To view destinations and timetables:
Taking your bike on a TER
Bikes travel free of charge on TERs, hung or stored in the designated areas. It is not possible to book these spaces, which are free and subject to availability. On certain lines, boarding the train with a bike is subject to conditions. As much as possible, avoid peak times from Monday to Friday in the morning between 7am and 9am and in the evening from 5pm to 7pm.
Your bike is your responsibility (transport, handling, surveillance) for the duration of your journey. You must not mount your bike in train stations, on the platform or in the train.
To find out more about conditions for boarding go to:
- I embark with my bike in the tram-train, in coaches and in the TER
- TER + bike: conditions of access on board in the TER in Pays de la Loire

Consider the Train Loire à Vélo
If you are travelling along La Loire à Vélo between June and September, consider using the Train Loire à Vélo, a bike transportation service with specially designated coaches on the Orléans – Le Croisic train line.
When bikes take the bus

Bike and bus in Le Loiret
In the Loiret department you can travel by coach with your bike on three Rémi bus network lines from several cities including Orléans, Beaugency, Meung-sur-Loire, Châteauneuf sur-Loire, Sully-sur-Loire and Gien.
The “Vélos-Cars” bike and coach service operates all year round on weekends and national holidays and every day from April to September.
Find out more about the Vélos-Cars service
Châteaux shuttles with bikes from Blois
From April until October 2018, buses with trailers able to carry 10 bikes are running between the Châteaux of Blois, Chambord, Villesavin, Bracieux, Cheverny and Beauregard.
The shuttle stops at Blois train station, where Intercités trains provide daily return journeys from Paris.

Useful links for organising your journey by region
Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire regions provide interactive tools to facilitate travel:
- Centre-Val de Loire : www.jvmalin.fr
- Pays de La Loire : www.destineo.fr
For more information on bike and luggage transport, don’t hesitate to consult the section on “Luggage, bikes and passenger transport”.