Kissmogony de Vanasay Khamphommala, Cie. Lapsus Chevelü

  • Kissmogony de Vanasay Khamphommala, Cie. Lapsus Chevelü©
As part of the Nuit des Musées, actor and playwright Vanasay Khamphommala (Cie. Lapsus chevelü) invites you to take part in her 2-part performance KISSMOGONY. KISSMOGONY claims the militant heritage of the “kiss-in”, referring to people discriminated against 40 years ago with the discovery of hiv, or more recently with the no-contact period of covid. This workshop is open to anyone interested in the practice of kissing as a choreographic and/or activist form. Open to everyone aged 18 and over

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
18/05/2024 - 18/05/202415:0018:00--

Join by public transport