Festival de Sully et du Loiret RENCONTRE DES CHORALES

  • Festival de Sully et du Loiret RENCONTRE DES CHORALES©
In 2024, the Loiret département will be supporting 28 amateur choirs. These various associations, which it has been supporting for many years, contribute to the dissemination of music throughout the region and to making collective cultural practices accessible to all. These ensembles bring together over 2000 singers through the same passion: singing. As part of the Festival de Musique de Sully et du Loiret, these amateur choirs invite you to share an afternoon of musical enjoyment and let their love of music shine through.Home groups:yes

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
09/06/2024 - 09/06/202416:00-Sunday afternoon-

Join by public transport