• A.Saulnier
Les Ruches de Fay offers you honey from local flowers – The bees are located in the towns of Fay aux loges, Donnery, Vitry aux loges, and migrate to nearby areas such as Sologne, the north of Berry or the Gâtinais to feed on the various nectars throughout the spring and summer months. Spring honey, creamy spring, acacia, chestnut, Sologne, lavender, sunflower, flowers depending on the year. Gingerbread. All jam sizes (30g, 120g etc.) for special occasions. Sponsorship of beehives. PRM access.

ProductsSweets/confectionery, Condiments/oil, Apiarian products

Spoken languages ​​:French, English
Visiting languages:French, English

Period (s) Morning Afternoon Opening day Closing day
06/01/2024 - 28/12/202409:00 - 12:00 - Saturday morningMonday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Sunday

Associated services

  • Apiarian products en
  • Bienvenue à la Ferme en
  • Condiments/oil en
  • Products on sale category
  • Sweets/confectionery en
  • Autres prestations
  • Produits alimentaires
  • Vente de produits

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