Gecko Land is ideal for families from 0 to 77years-old looking for a convivial place to eat and have fun, where amusing and relaxation match together. Come and discover this game space of 900m², have fun in climbing, slipping, laughing with friends and family. Spoken languages ​​:French

Proposed activities:Theme park

Period (s) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Opening day Closing day
02/01/2024 - 31/12/2024 - / - - / - - / - - / - - / - - / - - / - Ouvert le vendredi de 16h30 à 19h et le WE de 10h30 à 19h. Ouvert tous les jours pendant les vacances scolairesFermé du lundi au jeudi hors vacances scolaires

  • Bar en
  • Theme park
  • Voyagez léger

Join by public transport